Overview and Objectives
To enable reintroduction of national railway operations between Radstock and the Somer valley and the Network through partnerships with GWR, Network Rail, the DFt and Local Councils.
- To work within national rail industry standards for train operations.
- To engage in a positive and professional manner with all stakeholders connected with the company's business.
- To seek out and engage appropriate industry expertise and resources to support delivery of this business plan.
- To work in partnership with the current Train Operating Company provider to operate the train service.
Project Overview
It is the North Somerset Railway CIC's intention to support the reintroduction of a railway service along the length of the original North Somerset railway route to connect Radstock and the Somer valley to the national network. This is currently through Dft government scheme "Restoring your railway".
We have:
- Support from Great Western Railway and Network Rail in assistance with the scheme.
- Been in discussions with Rail Paths Limited and Sustrans with regarding to ensure a joint rail and the current cycle path along the length of the Collier's Way route.
- Support from Radstock Town Council, BANES and Mendip as well as Frome for the scheme.
- Support from MP Jacob Rees-Mogg and MP David Warburton.
- Draft OS infrastructure plans.